Saturday, October 30, 2010


‘Temptation’ is a contemporary subject that needs to be addressed effectively so that people will not be ensnared by it, instead have the confidence to face the challenge and be able to overcome it. Not having a proper understanding of temptation and how it should be dealt with becomes an instrument in the devil’s hands that can be disastrous for temptation is no respecter of persons. We often hear people end up having to lose all they labored for over the many years, their reputation family friends are some of the precious things that can be lost in a fraction of a moment as a victim of temptation. There are some who even resort to end their lives unable to face the consequences of temptation resulting in even a greater tragedy. I want to discuss this all important subject drawing upon spiritual truths from the life of Jesus Christ Himself to show you how He faced temptation and effectively defeated the devil’s evil schemes that if you choose to apply these truths in your life and make them your life’s value system, that the devil will never be able to have a foothold on your life ever again, instead you will have the privilege of living a spirit filled powerful life to glorify God in your walk with Him.

Reading from the gospel of Matthew 4:1 – 11

These scriptures reveal that even Jesus Christ was subjected to temptations

Temptation is a ‘test of Character’ . . . . .

. . . . . Because of the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of Matthew 4:1-11


Temptation its significance and necessity

Temptation should be understood as an instrument that fashions and moulds individual character. The Hebrew word used for ‘Temptation’ is nacah (naw-saw) it means to test, try, prove, put to the proof or test; it also means assay; adventure. This suggests that temptation is the means of proving worthiness of a lift up or approval of personal character. This truth is amply magnified in the account of God testing Abraham (Gen.22:1). In the day of his temptation Abraham proved his worthiness by simply believing God and obeying His command even though he never knew the real purpose for it or the outcome of it at the time. This was the test that gave him credence to his title father of faith and the friend of God (Ro.4:11-16; Jam.2:23).Temptation is also a blessing in disguise that comes to us to strengthen the spirit person that produces vital spiritual fruit (Jam.1:3). Therefore understanding the significance and purpose of temptation gives us perspective for preparation to face every potential challenge that Satan attempts to subtly lure us into with the intent of distracting us from the purpose plan and will of God for us. Jesus Christ sets forth the supreme example in how we are to conduct ourselves and live blameless lives and effectively defeat Satan’s wild schemes. At the same time we need to realize that as silver and gold is refined by fire so does the fire of the Holy Spirit refine us in forming the character of Christ in us as we walk with Him each day.

Was the Holy Spirit involved in the temptation of Jesus Christ?

Imagine the Holy Spirit leading you to be tempted by the devil? That isexactly what the Holy Spirit did to Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that soon after the baptism “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil? How would you know that it was the Holy Spirit who led Jesus into the wilderness? The gospel of Mark tells us that “Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness”(Mk.1:12). Dr. Luke tells us that “Then Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Lk.4:1). There is therefore no question about the Holy Spirit’s involvement in the temptation of Jesus Christ. But in what way was the Holy Spirit involved in Jesus Christ’s life? Paul the Apostle tells us about how Jesus Christ learnt obedience as a Son (Heb.5:8). Hence from the Spirit’s alighting on His shoulder at His baptism Jesus Christ completely depended upon the leading of the Holy Spirit in all He had to say and do on earth even unto death on the cross. Therefore it must be said without any doubt “Yes” the Holy Spirit was directly and completely involved in Jesus Christ’s life and ministry from the very inception beginning from His incarnation unto His resurrection from the dead.

Why did the Holy Spirit involve Himself in the temptation of Jesus Christ?

A comparison of the two greatest ever temptations that man faced on earth would give us some valuable insight for comprehension. The first account of the temptation was Eve’s, as recorded in Genesis (Gen.3:1-5). In this case Satan’s strategy was to choose the weaker human vessel, he was an intruder in the Garden of Eden, he lied to the woman and deceived her to believe that he spoke the truth about God’s command to Adam. In her state of innocence she believed his lie assuming it to be of something worth possessing and finally inherited spiritual death.

The second account of temptation is recorded in the gospels, the tempting of Jesus(Lk.4:3). In this case we see that the Holy Spirit deliberately leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. This time Satan changes his tactics he is nowhere in the vicinity waits for an opportune time. Forty days passes by then he chooses to tempt Jesus in His physically weakest moment (Mtt.4:2). In this case he asserts truth about Christ’s divinity challenging Him to exert His authority over the physical need above the spirit (Lk.4:3). In human terms this situation should be viewed as a wishes attack on Jesus Christ’s ego. Never the less in humility Jesus Christ subjects Himself to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and takes refuge in the authority of the word of God, using it as His shield to destroy Satan’s attempts to distract Jesus from fulfilling the purpose will and plan of God for His ministry on earth.

Why did the Holy Spirit want Jesus Christ to face Satan’s temptations?

That was necessary because God was preparing man to face His ultimate goal in manifesting His manifold wisdom to the powers of darkness emphasizing that its complete doom had now finally arrived (Eph.3:9-10).Secondly God would never let another take His glory(Is.42:8), thus it became a priority in God’s view to defeat Satan and redeem the human race, plus reorder the course of the universe by redeeming earth and nature from its curse (Gen.3:17; 5:29). He had already determined to bring in a new heavens and new earth into existence (2Cor. 5:17; 2Pe. 3:13). Finally God wanted to demonstrate that He held all authority and power over all His creation and that He will always have the last word. Thirdly it was the only way that God was able to destroy spiritual darkness that kept man in bondage, in slavery to sin and death, and it was the only way He was able to open our spiritual eyes that we should know and understand the truth about the purpose of His creation the beauty and glory and man being the crown of His creation (Eph.5:8; Col.1:13; 1Pe.2:9; 1Jn.2:8).

This study on temptation gives us great insight on how we are to face trials and temptations and be victorious in every day of our lives. Begin to apply these principles in your personal live today as did Jesus Christ who gave us this tremendous example to follow to prove that we are sons and daughters of the Most High worthy of eternal life.

The Lord bless you richly

To be continued . . . . . . .

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