Saturday, October 30, 2010


Last week I began on the topic of ‘The Samarian Encounter’ in which we discussed about how Jesus Christ set the example of breaking all cultural barriers to reach the lost tribes of Israel. He was purpose driven and focused on Kingdom priorities, never ever faltering in His mission, thus setting us a tremendous example to follow. Today we look further into the subject wanting to understand what Jesus Christ really meant by “Living Water”

Reading from the Gospel of John 4:10-14

These scriptures reveal that Jesus Christ is the source of living water

Living water quenches spiritual thirst . . . . . .

. . . According to the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of John 4: 10 – 14


Why did Jesus Christ speak of God’s gift and offer to give “Living Water”?(John 4:10)

Jesus Christ’s encounter with the Samarian woman certainly was never an accident; rather it was planned for well ahead of the journey (Jn.4:4). Motivated by His love for human lives, values of the Kingdom of God, and His passion for souls, He begins the process of fulfilling His mission to Samaria. Thus avoiding all distractions and vain arguments, He directly gets to the point in talking to the woman about the “gift of God” and how if desired she could benefit in receiving “Living Water” for herself.

The Greek word for “gift” dorea (do-reh-ah) denotes “a free gift” stressing its gratuitous character; it is always used in the NT of a spiritual or supernatural gift (VineNT). Thus while it means salvation to the human race, in this instance it certainly concerned the Samaritans, however it could have also meant that this discarded woman was afforded the opportunity to meet with the messiah in person, for He was certainly the promise of God that was to come into the world. Secondly perceiving her ignorance He draws her attention to the reality of her encounter with Himself, wanting to bless her, He exposes Himself as the one who is the fountain of “Living Water” hinting that her blessing was just at her door step and that it was time for a dynamic and powerful opening to a new beginning in her life.

What is “Living Water” and how important is it to our spiritual lives? (John 4:13-14)

Water naturally is the most important source of all types of animal and plantlife so much that about seventy five percent of the makeup of our body constitutes water. Therefore it would be appropriate to state that water is the sustainer plus the source of all natural life. Similarly“Living Water” is the source of spiritual existence; fertility; blessing; refreshing; and is also the sustainer and energizer of spiritual life. Centuries had gone by and the entire nation of Israel including Samaria was spiritually parched and famished, it was a period of great yearning and longing for the Jews as well as the Samaritans who day in day out were looking forward to receive God’s promise of the redeemer. Even though they yearned and longed so much for the promise of God, yet they failed to recognize their promised Messiah on His arrival thus, they deprived themselves of being the first to benefit of that wonderful vital spiritual awakening and revival that God so earnestly desired them to have, for in their great folly and blindness they simply forsook the “Living Water” that was so richly and lavishly poured upon them (Is.44:3).

How does “Living Water” quench spiritual thirst? (John 4:13-14)

“Living Water” as mentioned elsewhere in scripture clearly refers to the source of spiritual satisfaction that the human spirit constantly longs for, and it is a free gift that God offers people through Jesus Christ to anyone who desires to have. At the same time the recipient is fully able to avail himself of all of its benefits endlessly because, Christ Himself comes to reside in us, to give us spiritual strength and power to live an overcoming life through humility; obedience, established upon a personal relationship with the spirit of the Living God (Rev.3:19-20; Jer.2:13; 17:13; Zec.14:8). Therefore it should be seen that the meeting at the well in sychar was a divine encounter, the fulfillment of God’s promise to His people and was divinely ordained. Thus Jesus Christ was not only the “Living Water” who quenched spiritual thirst, but He was also the life generating word of God that would bring Joy, Peace, life and Hope, into human lives who, ultimately quenches every human quest for spiritual satisfaction. “Living Water” was thus symbolic of the outpouring of God the Holy Spirit, upon those who were destined for salvation through whom the Kingdom of God was to be established on earth. The work of the Son of God was to reach and prepare people for the coming of God the Holy Spirit onto earth and therefore He states “the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (Jn.6:35; 7:37-37).

What an awesome truth and gift of God, was this discarded outcast woman afforded that day. Never quite realizing its purpose and need, yet the mighty grace; and love of Christ eventually made sure that she became the happy recipient of “Living Water” that birthed a well of water in her, springing up into everlasting life. She never was the same ever again; instead was transformed to become a dynamic vessel of influence to be a powerful witness carrying the message of salvation unto a whole village who was in darkness.

You too can receive the gift of God today by simply willing to drink the living water that the Lord Jesus Christ offers that would turn out to become a well of everlasting life.

The Lord richly Bless you . . . . . . . . . . .

To be continued . . . . . . . .

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