Saturday, October 30, 2010


Sermon on Matthew 18: 21-35

In the past two weeks we discussed the importance of this vital spiritual trait of forgiveness that not only governs our lives but also builds us spiritually and gives us spiritual strength to bear the fruit of the spirit to demonstrate the power of the spirit in our daily walk. To ignore this truth or to neglect to deal with it effectively particularly when it is our own responsibility and obligation to forgive the offender it begins the process of spiritual decay destroying the very image of God in us. This causes spiritual dryness and loss of spiritual sap draining our spiritual energy making us powerless and ineffective in our spiritual walk with God. The devil takes advantage of this situation and works his way through building his stronghold in the inner-man. An un forgiving spirit signifies the lack of the presence of God in the individuals life and is also in danger of losing his own salvation. In this parable the Lord Jesus reveals to us a life reviving Kingdom principle of forgiveness instructing how we are to handle it effectively in our lives. This morning we are privileged once again to draw upon His word for our vital spiritual nourishment to walk with Him.

Reading from Matthew 18: 21-35

This passage of Scripture suggests that . . . .

Forgiveness is an irrevocable spiritual law . . . .

. . . . Because of the Criteria mentioned by the Lord Jesus in this passage of

scripture Matthew 18: 21-35


Comprehending truth about spiritual law is a priority in life

Webster's dictionary connotes that the word law means "a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority". "It is the system of judicial administration giving effect to the laws of a community" As this is so true in the natural realm we need to also understand that life of the spirit too has its code of conduct in the spirit realm. The significance of the law of the spirit is that it cannot be manipulated as in the natural realm and it has no favorites nor is it a respecter of persons but is applied equally to all. We need to also understand that the spirit realm is superior to the natural realm and while it is so we need to also understand that the spirit realm is always and at all times the higher order of existence. Thus the spirit realm remains indestructible in the sense that it cannot be destroyed as things of nature are, because the spirit realm is not founded upon things of nature, but founded upon the spirit itself and therefore the offender of the spiritual law is in danger of facing eternal adverse consequences.

Comprehending truth about the holiness of spiritual law is inevitable

When Moses was attracted to the burning bush at mount Horeb his curiosityled him to the burning bush in order to investigate this amazing sight. At that moment he was clearly instructed to take his sandals off his feet, because the very place he stood upon was holy ground (Ex. 3:2-5). This scene reveals to us that where ever God’s presence is, it becomes holy. As His heirs we are commanded to conduct our selves in holiness. Paul tells us that we were chosen even before the foundation of the world, for the very purpose of living "holy" and without blame before Him (Eph. 1:4).The Greek word used here is hagios (hag-ee-os) which means "holy" so we are to live saintly lives in His presence. This then suggests that our lives should be characterized by the spirit and founded upon the law of the spirit (Ro. 8:1). Thus it remains the responsibility of every person to gain a good grasp of what spiritual law is all about. Therefore there is no room for ignorance in the Kingdom of God and to be ignorant of such a holy law is gross sin and violation of spiritual law that deems people to perish.

Comprehending truth about spiritual law and its application

Governance and lifestyle of the spirit of God is holiness. His love for the human race was the driving force behind all the preparation for the supreme sacrifice of the lamb of God without a price tag on it. Thus in the execution of the first face of man's salvation the only begotten Son of God took upon Him self the form of man penetrating the natural realm to demonstrate the power and the ability of the spirit to live a righteous and a sinless holy life in the human form. He not only demonstrated the holiness of the spirit but also revealed to us how we are to apply the principles of the spirit that would enable us to be spiritual and walk consistently in the spirit with the spirit of God while on earth (2Pe.1:3). In Acts the account of Ananias and his wife Sapphira are a tremendous example that amply depicts the holiness of the Spirit. Both Ananias and his wife paid very dearly with their lives because of their ignorance of the holiness of the law of the spirit. In the case of this servant, even though he was forgiven and set free from all his debt completely, Oh what a marvelous and an awesome gift was it to him to treasure. Instead of being thankful and pursuing further in this awesome gift of his salvation, he soon forgot his experience and slipped back into his old sinful evil nature. We are forewarned to beware of our sin that will over take and identify us, no matter who we are or what position we may hold in the society we live. For every sin committed is always against the holiness of God and we will do well the remember that there is impending judgment beyond any doubt (Lev. 32:23).

As time went by in my early days of ministry I became quite bitter and resentful toward some people in the Church due to certain circumstances. One day as I went before the Lord in prayer I was rather surprised of what the Lord had to tell me about forgiveness. As I complained, about the few issues concerning these people I said Lord these people did this that and the other to me and I am very hurt and now I cannot forgive them at all. As I finished with what I had to say, the Lord then said me, Rennie at the time of your salvation I cleansed your heart with my blood completely and gave you a brand new life. I forgave you with no questions asked, and ever since then when you asked for forgiveness, you were forgiven with no questions asked. So why is that you cannot forgive other people? In reality you have sinned against me much more than they against you. I was speechless when I heard what the Lord had to say to me, and instantly I felt a sense of love flood my soul that I felt that I needed to plead their forgiveness for my unforgiving attitude toward them. Since then I have never had an issue where I could not forgive anyone who sin against me or hurt me because on that day I was set free from this terrible snare.

In conclusion remember that forgiveness is an essential spiritual trait that

1. It is phenomenon of the Kingdom of God

2. Needs to be sought in humility and repentance

3. It is an irrevocable spiritual law

The Lord Bless you Richly

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