Saturday, October 30, 2010


The Samaritan encounter typically portrays the purpose driven spirit filled lifestyle of a true citizens of God’s Kingdom on earth. Jesus Christ sets up the stage for us by demonstrating that spiritual dynamics is made manifest and released in no other way but by humility. The need of the hour today is quite evident. We need to have a resurrection of such spirit filled purpose driven citizens of God’s Kingdom begin involving them selves in active ministry for thus is the mandate given to His people in these last days.

Let us read John 4:4-9

These scriptures reveal how a Samarian woman has an encounter with Jesus Christ

An encounter with Jesus Christ is life changing . . . . . .

. . . According to the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of John 4: 4 – 9


Why did Jesus Christ determine to walk through Samaria? (John 4:4)

The noon time scene at Jacob’s well in Sychar of Samaria was somewhat of a rare occasion never the less Jesus Christ purposed in His heart to travel through Samaria indicating to us that God had not completely left out Samaria all together. The Jews looked down on the Samaritans as a mixed race and therefore they had no dealings with the Samaritans whatsoever. King Solomon's rebellion against the Lord's command caused a great division within the United Kingdom of Israel during the reign of his son King Rehoboam around 930 BC (1Kg.11:11; 12:16-19). On account of the Davidic covenant even though God appeared to King Solomon on several occasions wanting him to fall inline with the divine will for the chosen race, however despite all these powerful visions yet King Solomon failed to heed the voice of God in repenting of his folly (1Kg.11:11-12; 35-36). It was here that the downfall of the United Kingdom of Israel begins that ultimately led them into captivity and the Diaspora of this once great nation.

Jesus Christ had already ventured deep in to His ministry on earth fulfilling His calling in reaching the lost and merging ahead touching people everyday with the message of Love and of God’s Kingdom (Mtt.15:24; Lk.19:10; Jn.17:12; 18:9). Samaria was destined to receive a dynamic spiritual reawakening like never before. As is always Jesus chose the downtrodden simple and the outcast to glorify Himself in Samaria too, thus He decided to reach the humble rather than go to the elite. The Samarian woman was all confused and did not know the right way of life but having met with Jesus Christ she instantly began to focus on what real life was all about. The only way to reach her was to touch the very nerve center of her being and that is exactly what Jesus did in talking to her about her life’s situation and thereby, He drew her attention hitting right on the head by asking her for a drink. The subject was very relevant while it also had deep spiritual meaning that penetrated the woman’s very heart and soul that she could no longer continue to be a spectator instead she becomes a vibrant witness for Jesus Christ. This woman’s lifestyle was dramatically changed that thereafter she began living a purposeful and blessed life. What a remarkable encounter did it turned out to be? Truly an encounter with Jesus Christ is always a life changing experience (Jn.1:12-13; 2Co. 5:17)

Why did Jesus Christ choose to sit at the well? (John 4:6)

The mention of the well in this passage would instantly create in our minds animage of a gushing fresh water spring which could be seen as a symbol of life of the spirit. Jacob’s well though more than 75ft in depth was never a spring well of running fresh water, instead its supply of water depended entirely upon rainfall and percolation. Thus in this case the well should be seen as a symbol of futility and dullness of life, in real life it meant that the residents of Sychar were to be content with rain water instead of fresh water from a wellspring. Jesus Christ the Charismatic and compassionate leader of the day was also the Son of the Living God who came to save the world of its sin and to pave the way of life to the lost. The Samaritans were a part of the lost ten tribes of Israel and His ministry primarily was to the lost sheep of Israel (Mtt.10:6; 15:24; 18:11; Lk.19:10). The well was significant since it was named after in memory of Israel’s patriarch and it was situated in the land gifted by him to his favorite son Joseph and the well stood out as a symbol of the ancestry that depicted the historicity of ancient Israel. As the Son of God Jesus Christ knew the events of the next moment thus He waited for the arrival of the city’s outcast to bring meaning and purpose of life to an entire village and through it to the rest of the lost tribes of Israel.

Secondly His purpose was to demonstrate to His disciples the uniqueness of the message and spiritual dynamics of the Kingdom. He also demonstrated that the message of the Kingdom possessed the power to destroy all opposition and that it has the power to surpass every barrier that stood in its way of hindrance to reconciling the human race and as the chosen race of God it was to begin with Israel (Jn.4:9; 1Pe.4:17 ). Jesus Christ’s speaking to the Samarian woman was significant and Historic, it was also symbolic of unifying the nation of Israel so much so that as we look at this wonderful nation today, we see Israel as one united family with no division’s what so ever amongst these twelve tribes. Amen!

Why did Jesus Christ say to the woman Give Me a drink? (John 4:7)

Again Jesus Christ demonstrated the power of the spirit of wisdom by being very pragmatic in asking the woman for a drink leaving no room for enmity or fear rather in humility opening a door for a fruitful dialogue. Notice that Jesus tactfully responds to the woman’s query by asking her a simple question even though the woman does not grasp the significance of His statement rather finds her self settling into a friendly atmosphere so that she feels comfortable, in curiosity and amusement to dialogue with a young Jew who speaks of strange things. Even though water was the subject matter it had relevance and spiritual significance to the conversation. While the woman only perceived the natural aspect of it to her own advantage and benefit, the Love of Christ was purposeful and penetrating her spirit and soul, touching her with the power of the spirit of life with the potential of not only reaching this outcast woman but through her also to reach the entire village and the rest of the lost tribes of Israel as well. A drink of cold water is certainly the most refreshing and perfect drink that anyone would like to have to quench one’s thirst, but here was the giver of the water of life sitting right beside her offering to refresh and quench her spiritual thirst and quest for eternity sustaining her entire being (body soul and spirit). Oh! what an awesome and glorious opportunity did this discarded outcast have that day? She was so blessed that she was never the same ever again. Wow what a blessed hope do you and I have in the Lord Jesus Christ? Praise God for giving us His only begotten Son so that now you and I can hope in Him for our redemption and eternal life. Amen!

Even today Jesus Christ is watching waiting for you to come to Him that you too can have an encounter with Him that would change your life for ever giving you new hope and power to live for His glory doing extra ordinary things to reach out and touch people to save them from eternal damnation. Would you like to be a vessel for Him? Or receive a touch from Him?

If that is your desire, then just say Lord Jesus please touch me and make me whole come into my heart and let your life shine in me for your glory Amen!

The Lord Bless you richly . . . . . . .

To Be Continued . . . . . . . .

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