Saturday, October 30, 2010


Sermon on Matthew 18: 21-35

The mercy of God makes it possible for people who have wrecked their lives and who are left without hope to rectify it and be blessed. To live their lives with new Hope Joy Peace and Dignity and gives us direction how to conduct our selves on earth. He opens a new page in their book of life and gives them power to live victoriously in their daily life. St. Matthew's gospel reveals to us important spiritual principles for our new lifestyle that gives us power to be transformed. It is up to us therefore to avail our selves of this wonderful unique opportunity which enables us to live that spirit filled life.

Reading from Matthew 18: 21-35

This passage of Scripture suggests that . . . .

Forgiveness is an essential spiritual trait . . . .

. . . . Because of the Criteria mentioned by the Lord Jesus in this passage of scripture Matthew 18: 21-35


Why is forgiveness so important a phenomenon of the Kingdom of God?

First because without it there would be no way that man could be reconciled with God. Man’s disobedience inherited himself not only physical death, but spiritual death as well. Spiritual death meant eternal separation from God. However God, in His mighty grace devised a plan to bring man, back to Himself and thus He initiated the process of forgiveness.

Secondly Christ Jesus taught that forgiveness is the sacred duty that man is obliged to keep. He taught that, one who holds it back from whom its due commits a heinous crime. Man by himself does not possess the ability nor the strength it requires to forgive those who wrong them. Therefore God Himself birthed the new man through faith in Christ Jesus thus offering man the privileged position of being born again. It meant that the born again believer through faith in the Lord Jesus has power and the strength hereafter to forgive those who sin against them, because the born again becomes a new species in Christ Jesus, born of God Himself (2 Co. 5:17; Jn. 1:12-13).

Thirdly because, the principles of the Kingdom of God reciprocally affects people both emotionally and spiritually either positively or negatively. Forgiveness gives us access to the very immediate presence of God establishing an instant relationship with Him, thus making the forgiven sinner, a child of God that enables him to enjoy Kingdom privileges as sons and daughters of God.

Fourthly God, naturally loves man and His love is such that it covers the multitude of man’s sins and He is ever willing to pardon the sinner. Forgiveness instantly destroys all strongholds and removes all barriers that hinders vital fellowship with the Heavenly Father and gives us instant access to the very throne of grace from where we receive all our spiritual power and strength and the continuous flow of the anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon us. Our spiritual eyes are opened and we are able to see and discern the purpose plan and will of God for our lives on earth.

What is forgiveness and what is it to be forgiven like?

There are at least four Greek words that are used to define the meaning of forgiveness. The precise word used in this context is (aph-ee-ay-meeit) means to forgive a person who has whether accidentally or deliberately wronged another. The connotation of the word (aph-ee-ay-meehas) has several meanings the first is to send away, it is to bid going away or to depart; it means of a husband divorcing his wife; to send forth, yield up, to expire; to let go, let alone, let be; and also to to give up, or keep no longer.

There are several other meanings too, to what forgiveness means but these words amply describe what is meant by what the Lord Jesus expects of His people. So to be forgiven means that the offender is no longer guilty of any crime nor is he considered an offender but is as innocent and one void of any offence.

The most important thing about life and most valued treasure is to possess “freedom.” often people do not realize the importance of freedom neither do they esteem freedom so highly. Freedom always comes at an extremely high cost. In the case of Christendom it cost God His only begotten son’s life to purchase man’s freedom from sin’s grip and it’s cruel bondage. Freedom means that one no longer is the slave of another, but experiences the ability to decide for him self and choose what is best for his life. The Bible tells us that “if our heart does not condemn us we have confidence toward God.” (1Jn.3:21) it means we are free to live as we wish in confidence. Hence when sin is literally taken away from us, we are no longer held responsible for any offences thus the individual experiences a tremendous sense of joy in life and is filled with peace, serenity, and tranquility. This is the norm of a spirit filled lifestyle and this is what is to be forgiven like. It took the love of God for you and I and the entire human race to send His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to pay the price of sin to liberate us and set us free from sin’s grip and it’s cruel oppressor and from being eternally condemned.

As I look back in my own experience of Salvation the day I invited the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart to be the Lord of my life and savior of my soul as He redeemed my spirit from all my sin, I felt like a huge weight taken away from me, something like a huge rock that weighed me down all my life. I felt a sense a freedom like never before and instantly joy flooded my soul and I felt like as an Eagle soaring in the air. It was a tremendous sense of comfort and confidence that I experienced the instant Jesus Christ became the Lord and Savior of my life. Wow that was just tremendous and awesome, glory to God for His marvelous grace. Praise God!

You too can experience freedom from spiritual bondage and the wonderful Love of God this very moment. Ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you and invite Him into your heart to become the Lord and savior of your soul, for He will guide you in the way of truth and life eternal.

Just pray, Lord Jesus I repent of all my sins, please forgive me and come into my heart and be the Lord of my life and the savior of my soul. Thank you Jesus for saving me, in Jesus name Amen!

Forgiveness is an essential Spiritual trait because it is a Phenomenon of the Kingdom of God

The Lord richly bless you

To be Continued . . . . .

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