Saturday, October 30, 2010


Sermon on Matthew 18:21-35

Last week I began on a series on the topic "Forgiveness." Continuing on the same theme, we shall look at the manner of forgiveness and how one is to benefit from this wonderful grace of God. Un-forgiveness is an evil attitude that could be likened to a spiritual virus that penetrates the spirit corrupting the whole spirit person, thus setting up a platform for bitterness and resentment to take root. Today we want to discuss how we can effectively overcome this evil force.

Reading from Matthew 18:21-35

This passage of Scripture suggests that . . . . .

Forgiveness is an essential spiritual trait that needs to be sought in humility and repentance . . . . .

Because of the Criteria mentioned by the Lord Jesus in this passage of Scripture Matthew 18:21-35


Why is forgiveness sought in humility and repentance?

Because it remains the only way to restore fallen man

An essential Moral Attribute of Jehovah God of the Bible is His Perfect Holiness. The Hebrew word for Holy is qadowsh (kaw-doshe) and it means Pure, Clean, Free from defilement of Crimes and Idolatry and all other profane things. It speaks of His absolute purity and He cannot sin nor tolerate sin because He is sinless perfection. Man is His estranged family and God had to initiate a plan to save His estranged family through reconciliation from the penalty of eternal condemnation. This process caused Him to reveal His Moral attributes so that man could understand. Thus in (Lev.11:44-45) and again in (Lev. 19:2) it is clearly stated that His people shall be holy because He says "for I the Lord your God Am Holy." The law of Moses became the pedestal for the introduction of the lamb of God that was to be slain on the cross at Calvary through whom man's sin was atoned for. His marvelous grace and through faith in Him man was justified and was reconciled to God and now we have peace with God. This is exactly what Paul the Apostle so precisely and so vividly explains in the Book of Roman's (4 & 5) Hence the only way to redeem man was to justify man by faith in the finished work of the Cross at Calvary thus the sinner is justified by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence our faith in Jesus Christ is what justifies us and sets us free from all sin and shame and all guilt and finally eternal death. This then is how forgiveness becomes an essential part of man's life in his restoration process.

How is forgiveness to be sought in humility ?

God is the Creator and King of the universe and is invariable in nature and is ajust and righteous judge Who is impartial merciful and is compassionate and long suffering toward all who call on Him. The picturesque of this parable reveals the true nature and quality of an unrepentant character who portrays a sense of disrespect arrogance and pride deliberately evading the Kings command manifesting a rebellious attitude continues to live regardless until he is confronted and brought to justice and judgment pronounced. It also gives us the picture of the fate of those unrepentant and what they would face on that final day of judgment. The Greek word employed here is piprasko (pip-ras-ko) which means to sell one into slavery. It was only when the man was arrested and brought before the King who pronounced judgment on him that this man was awakened to his reality. Realizing his folly and knowing that now there was no escape he began to think of his dilemma. It was the fear of slavery that caused the breaking of his stubborn spirit. The moral of this section of the parable deals with the necessity of repentance in humility. It also describes the end result of the stubborn and hard heartedness of people who grudge against the trivial issues of others and how God expects everyone of us to have a forgiving spirit. In his predicament when this man pleaded his cause and rightly so the King was moved with compassion and was just enough to pardon the man. The man falling down on his knees and worshipping signifies his humility brokenness and true repentance which became the turning point in his life to redemption.

What is repentance and how does repentance affect us?

On the day of Pentecost the day the Church was established (Acts 2:38)reveals that when the people heard the stunning message Peter preached they were stirred in their hearts and the Bible tells us that they were cut to the heart wanting to know what they were to do in order to receive the forgiveness of God. Instantly the Apostle Peter under the anointing of the Holy Spirit responding to the question said "Repent" the Greek word used here is metanoeo (met-an-o-eh-o) which means to change one's mind, i.e. to repent; to change one's mind for better; heartily to amend with abhorrence of one's past sins. God the Holy Spirit in that moment changed the heart of those present there and three thousand souls were added to the Church that day. God the Holy Spirit is still looking for people convicting them that they should repent and turn to the Lord that He in turn would come into their lives and establish a relationship with those who are willing and He will dwell in their hearts cleansing them from all their wrong ways and sinful lifestyle. (Rev.3:19-20) tells us, that at the point of repentance Jesus comes into us and lives with us leading us in paths of righteousness, He begins to bring about a complete transformation in the individual exchanging our lives with His own.

What does repentance accomplish in the individuals life ?

It begins the process of a dramatically changing the inner person that revolutionizes the whole being. It enables the repentant to enter into a dynamic fellowship with the Living God through Christ. It gives the confidence and assurance that the individual is now a child of God in Christ Jesus. It reinvigorates the individuals spiritual perspective for dynamic spiritual empowerment. It generates spiritual energy that produces the fruit and manifests the fullness of the spirit.

I just thank God for His Awesome and marvelous gift of salvation and I am so grateful to Him for the tremendous Joy and Peace that I enjoy all my life. TheLord set me free from the grip of the Devil, and He gave me His life to live and has over all these many years been extremely faithful in leading me and keeping me through all storms of life all these many years and He has never been a debtor to me and my family in anyway. My family and I simply trust in the goodness and the love of God for everything in our lives and He just keeps blessing us each day. We have tasted the goodness of God and He just deserves all praise and glory for He is an Awesome King who needs to be exalted and glorified all our lives.

Repentance in humility is the only way that anyone can be restored and reconciled to God. God is faithful and He will never condemn or forsake anyone who calls upon Him for salvation. Call to Him for He is waiting for you and He will never let you down.

Forgiveness is an essential Spiritual trait that needs to be sought in humility and in repentance

The Lord Bless you abundantly

To be continued . . . .

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