Saturday, October 30, 2010


It has taken me quite awhile to get back to my page and the discourse on the “Samaritan Encounter.” Never the less it is good to be back, and continue to update it regularly. So getting back to the topic I took great pleasure in working around with it and in the study of the word was tremendously blessed in the preparation of this message. Am sure you too, will be blessed even as you take time to read it through. Today we want to look at what Jesus meant when He spoke about “Water as a symbol of spirit life” be blessed as you read through.

Reading from the Gospel of John 4:10 – 14

These scriptures reveal that Jesus used water as a symbol to reveal spiritual truths . . . . . . .

Water used as a symbol of Life . . . . . . . . .

According to the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of John 4: 10 – 14

1. WATER USED AS A SYMBOL OF LIFE, John 4: 10 – 14

The Lordship of Jesus Christ acknowledged?

Listening attentively to what the Lord Jesus had to say, “If you knew”(Jn.4:10-11), the Greek word eido (ei'-do) means to “see” with one’s naked eye or to understand with one’s intellect. The woman unaware of the person therefore was privileged in her circumstance to the rare occasion to behold the Lord of all glory sitting at the well right beside her as she stood next to Him. The Prophet Isaiah talks about Jesus Christ in this fashion,

for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Of the increase of His government and peace; There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His Kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice, From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. (Is. 9:6)

Therefore this is an important truth that we should always remember all our lives for victory over the enemy strongholds. Because Jesus Christ is the Holy one of the Most High, the Son of the living God, was assigned on an eternal mission to earth and there was nothing that could ever stand in His way.

Hence where ever Jesus Christ stood, it became Holy ground charging the entire environment with His awesome presence. It completely dethrones the devil and his demons and every stronghold of the devil and is nullified by the Lord’s presence.(1John 3:8) it completely dispels every power of darknessfor in Him was light and the light was man’s life” (John 1:4) no demons nor even the devil himself is able to come any where close to where the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of all glory stands Amen!

Thus it was an environment that was simply enveloped with His presence, that it radiated His glory, power, peace, love, and mercy and it began to flow toward the woman. Therefore it was an awesome sight that this discarded woman was accorded to behold, and was privileged with the wonderful opportunity to meet with the Lord Jesus Christ and in this moment of His favor toward her, this woman could not help, but be able to understand with her mind as well, that there was something peculiarly different about this person and that there was something extra ordinary about this young Jew she encountered in such strange circumstances, and that even at an odd place and an unlikely time of the day.

Within moments of the dialog with Jesus Christ, she thus reasoned within herself and was led to believe beyond any doubt that the young Jew she had just encountered was no ordinary person, but He was certainly a dignitary, with authority, and One who spoke with authority, hence she was persuaded that He was One whom she could look up to and confide in, thus curiously was prompted to hasten her request and grab whatever assistance He would be able to offer her. The Greek word kurios (koo'-ree-os) means supreme authority, controller, and master, because kurios (koo'-ree-os) signified “supremacy” thus listening to Him instantly she could not help but, recognize His “Supremacy” esteeming Him His due respect she addresses Him Sir or Lord acknowledging His Supreme position, in subjugation to her own spiritual conviction.

Water symbolizing the futility of the natural life?

The exemplary lifestyle of the Lord Jesus Christ was so simple that He did make use of the common ordinary mundane things of the world to communicate the awesome truths of the Kingdom of God in such simple terms that people would easily understand its purpose and God’s wonderful gift of salvation and His Mighty grace to man. In response to the woman’s need for water the Lord’ emphasis was on three key spiritual truths about life.

In the revelation of this spiritual truth, He gives the woman an opportunity to make her life’s choice. (Jn.4:13-14) first He talks about the negative, the futility, and the hopelessness, and the pending destruction of the fleshly life that finally perishes with time. (Ro. 8:1-2) Thus the phrase “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again” (Jn.4:13) signifying, the temporal earthly life, a lifestyle embedded in an everlasting quest for spiritual thirst yearning for deep spiritual satisfaction that only Jesus Himself is able to quench (Ps.36:9; Jer.17:13).

Water symbolizing the necessity of eternal life?

Symbol of Eternal lifeSecondly He said “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst”signifying eternal life. (Jn.4:14)

One of the Greek words used here is aion (ai-own') which means “an age, perpetuity, the world, a messianic period” either present or future. This statement of the Lord was so unexpected and impulsive, that she was instantly urged to make a quick decision concerning her longstanding lustful lifestyle, throwing her in a quandary.

In a sense she would have felt, that it was too costly a price to pay, requiring her to forego the present way of life, thus she resolved the obvious, to ignore a direct response choosing to forget the whole episode and be content with herself, it seemed to her that it would be better for her to continue with her old self rather than having to feel compelled to do something rash in her own terms, even though she knew the wonderful revelation of new life was just at hand even though, it seemed too good to be true.

The truth is that, Jesus Christ the Lord, the lover of man is extremely passionate about human souls, that He goes to extremes beyond human comprehension to invent ways to reach people, thus He continues, to talk to the woman telling her “but.” the Greek word “but” here is alla (al-lah') it is acon·junc·tion which means “other things; contrariwise; in many relations meaning, (and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet).

Water symbolizing the continuity of eternal life?

Thus Jesus Christ continues to speak to the woman of the third key spiritual truth of the life hereafter, (Jn.7:38) the “eternal Life” which simply meant the Creator’s original purpose of human life and his eternal state of sinless existence in eternity. Man never was created to experience physical or moral frailty or was he ever subjected to physical decay, nor a spiritual separation from the Creator. The biblical mandate for man is clear, because man was the epitome of the Creator’s wisdom formed by the Creator’s hands itself, with an indestructible spirit personality. (Gen. 1:26) Thus the purpose of Jesus Christ’ coming onto earth was to restore and resurrect this fallen creature to its original state. It was only He who cares about humans, who did what it took Him to even go through a humiliating death on the cross. Hence He was able to and did everything within His power and marvelous wisdom to bring back man to his former position of being ruler of earth to the glory of the Creator.

Water symbolizing everlasting life as a well spring?

As Jesus continues to talk about this “living water” pondering further for amoment it seemed that the woman at this point was still not quite prepared to make such a healthy and a wise decision so fast, no not yet. The reason is quite simple, humans are rebellious by nature, determined to follow their own instincts of life, instead she tries to buy time hoping she would have a chance encounter with this Jew again to have another little chit chat leisurely, thus naturally finding the easy way out, she thinks smart and asks the Lord for this special water that He talked about awhile ago and which He seemed so willing and keen on His part that she should have it.

The beauty of the Lord’s work on earth was so awesome that, you know what, I am convinced beyond any doubt that, the Lord Jesus was never a looser and He was not going to loose on this one too, nor loose this precious moment either, in fulfilling the Father’s will for His ministry on earth.

In this the Lord Jesus Christ brilliantly sets us a tremendous example exhibiting to us how we aught to allow the mighty grace of God to work through us in situations such as these. Spiritual insight reveals to us the marvelous beauty, the dynamic spiritual power and the awesome wisdom of our precious Lord, which is always the spiritual source that penetrates through our being that motivates true lovers of the Lord, to trust Him whole heartedly for the purpose of extending His Kingdom on earth.

I believe that the woman in her deceptiveness tried to make use of the precious time of the Lord to listen to His admonition of the truth of life, and conveniently avail herself of this wonderful water that she should never thirst again nor have to go through the tedious journey to fetch water for her self ever again, even though she really did not completely understand what the Lord meant by what He said to her about this water. Never the less she made request for some of this wonderful water. I am reminded of a famous parable that says “good things no cheap and cheap things no good.” Like wise I believe that the Lord’s concern and mercy for this woman did not let Him to simply let this woman have her own way to slip through His love for her soul, that she could continue in her folly, thus Jesus Christ was not going to let the woman go scotch free by passing it off as a simple conversation, instead He meant business with the woman and real good time too, and the woman never knew that she was in for another gentle shock of her life, The Bible tells us that “it is a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Heb. 10:31) Then in response to her request the Lord Jesus tells her “go call thy husband, and come thither” (Jn. 4:15-16)

This beautiful passage of scripture tells us about how the love of Jesus Christ reaches out to people of all walks of life, to bring about lasting changes in our lives, from misery to blessing, from bondage to freedom, from hopelessness to hopeful and purposeful living.

Jesus Christ Love’s you and He is one who never ever rejects anyone nor condemns anyone neither does He forsake anyone, rather He is quite passionate about human souls and is ever willing to embrace anyone who comes to Him and He cleanse them from all filthiness and gives them the hope and the joy of eternal life.

Just speak out aloud these words to Him in your own way. Lord Jesus please, forgive me, all my sins and cleanse me wholly with your Holy and precious blood. Now come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. Amen!

If you did this just write to me and let me know for I will keep you in my prayer too.

The Lord Bless you richly

To be continued . . . . . . .

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