Saturday, October 30, 2010


In conclusion I must admit that I was blessed very much in the process of preparing this message ‘Be Triumphant over Temptation,’ reflecting on the word I gained new spiritual insights. As I look back I have begun to appreciate God’s great love and His rich grace toward His people and all His servants. After several years I can truthfully say that His faithfulness truly endures forever and that He never fails and He never forgets His people for He is right beside you when you need Him most to deliver you from all your tribulations. Isn’t that awesome? Amen!

Reading from the gospel of Luke 4:1-13

These scriptures reveal that temptation is a subtle ploy of the devil to entice people into sin

We can be triumphant over temptation . . . . .

. . . . . Because of the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of Luke 4:1-13


What needs to be done to effectively triumph over temptation?

We already know that ‘temptation’ is a subtle ploy used by the enemy with evil intent to harm the entire human race, if possible destroy it completely. What is so dangerous about temptation is that its perpetrator the devil is not a myth as some people take him to be. Rather invisible as he is yet he exists as a real spirit being who at the same time can stand right next to you to cause grievous harm by tempting and luring you into all manner of evil even without your knowledge.

In my ministry at the Assembly of God Church Navinna, I once had the privilege of counseling a certain young woman who had a traumatic encounter with a demon who literally attempted to victimize her, by following her right into bed. It was purely the grace of God that prevented the demon from having any physical contact with her and in the nick of time she contacted me for assistance. Relating her experience further she said how he would come to sleep next to her and how she sensed the literal presence of this spirit being even feeling his warm breath upon her neck. I was able to educate her in the Lord that set her free completely from this terrible snare and would be tragedy that to the glory of the God today she and her husband are in fulltime ministry.

My intention in sharing this story with you is, to enlighten you of the naked truth of spiritual realities that exist and not be ignorant of the adverse consequences that you would face resulting temptation. The Bible tells us that to be ignorant in a sense is sin (Jm. 4:17). Hence the first thing to be done in triumphing over temptation is to acknowledge the fact that there is a host of evil spirit beings out there with only one intention and that is to use every means to destroy the human race. Secondly just as much as you need to feed and nourish the natural person with healthy food, so remember that you need to feed and nourish the spirit person with healthy spiritual food regularly. Jesus Christ was well nourished in the word and the devil was absolutely powerless in all his fruitless vain attempts to trap Jesus with his temptations. In this Jesus Christ sets us a tremendous example by using God’s word as the sword of the spirit to demonstrate the power and the effectiveness of applying the word, revealing to us how we can triumph over temptation (Mat. 4:4, 7, 10; Luke. 4”4, 8, 12).

Why was the devil powerless and how did Jesus Christ triumph over temptation?

As we go deeper into scripture there are two key principles that could be cited in Jesus Christ’s triumph over temptation. The first can be observed in Christ’s implicit obedience to God’s word. He never once disobeyed or disregarded God’s will (Mat.3:15; Phi.2:8). Immersed in the word He let the word saturate His entire life thus He experienced the leading of the Holy Spirit of God.

The second is in humility He used the authority of the word of God tosafeguard Himself. He never attempted to fight the devil or those who opposed Him by human logic or wisdom, instead He always resorted to take refuge in God’s word (Mat.4:4; Mk.7:6; 9:13; Lk.20:17). These are the two key truths that the devil is ever defenseless and powerless that he can never overcome. When he knows that you obey God’s word appropriating it and that you are a professing spirit filled Christian it makes him think more than a hundred times before he attempts to draw close to you. The devil will not leave you alone but he will keep looking for an opportunity to try to trip you in some way or another at the most vulnerable point. However if you are wise attentive and keen to study God’s word retaining it and make it the foundation of your life, then there is hardly anything that the devil is able to do to harm you (Lk.4:13; Eph.4:27; Jm.4:7; 1Pe.5:9). This is how the Lord Jesus Christ triumphed over the devil’s temptations and you will do well to follow suit walking as Jesus Christ did.

How does God’s word become effective and powerful in our lives?

Understanding what God’s word is and what it means to us is crucial to our effectiveness in triumphing over temptation. We need to also remember that temptation is basically demonic spiritual attacks that we encounter daily in life which is an aspect of spiritual warfare. Thus we need to adequately equip ourselves with spiritual knowledge by feeding upon the word of God regularly. Study of the word enriched with prayer is the only means that prepares us spiritually to effectively defeat and overcome every evil spiritual attack leveled at us. I have discussed this truth in another series on “winning spiritual warfare.” Remember that the word of God is basically the manuscript of spiritual law that governs life and its existence of both the spirit and the natural realm, and that it cannot be broken or violated without affecting a penalty to it. Thus the word of God was given to us that we reverently receive it regularly to nourish our sprits, so that we will not perish by violating it rather, have life by keeping it and upholding it all our lives (Ro.8:1-8).

Secondly the word of God is spirit (Jn.6:63; 2Co.3:6) thus the Word generates life, meaning that as you receive the Word into your heart it awakens your spirit to God’s spiritual truth motivating you in humility to submit to the spirit’s beckoning that in the process it generates vital spiritual energy that enables you to commit yourself to His will for your life. The word of God is also known as the sword of the spirit that separates soul from spirit joints from marrow and even judges the very attitude of the heart (Eccl.12:11; Is.49:2; Eph.6:17; He.4:12) What does this mean? It means that the word of God is a Spirit active and powerful to accomplish His will at all times in you. He also tells us that His word will never return to Him void (Is.45:23) thus His spirit mingling with your spirit forms His character in you that makes you triumphant over temptation all the times. Amen!

Now if you are a born again spirit filled Christian remember that you are a unique and a dynamic creature filled with the wisdom of God for His glory and purpose on earth and you can accomplish great and awesome things for His glory by simply living in Jesus and living for Jesus obeying His word and taking refuge in His word every day.

But if you have still not had the born again experience I think it is about time that you did and if you so desire then just mean what you say and speak these words. Just speak out the following

Dear Jesus I have sinned against you in my ignorance and I am sorry for all my sins, forgive me and wash my heart with your precious blood and purify me. Jesus Please come into my heart and be the Lord of my life, thank you Jesus for loving me and becoming the Lord of my life. Amen!

Now if you did speak to Jesus sincerely in this fashion you will never be the same ever again. Feel free to write to me.

The Lord Bless you abundantly . . . . . .

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