Saturday, October 30, 2010


Last week I began on the topic of ‘The Samarian Encounter’ in which we discussed about how Jesus Christ set the example of breaking all cultural barriers to reach the lost tribes of Israel. He was purpose driven and focused on Kingdom priorities, never ever faltering in His mission, thus setting us a tremendous example to follow. Today we look further into the subject wanting to understand what Jesus Christ really meant by “Living Water”

Reading from the Gospel of John 4:10-14

These scriptures reveal that Jesus Christ is the source of living water

Living water quenches spiritual thirst . . . . . .

. . . According to the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of John 4: 10 – 14


Why did Jesus Christ speak of God’s gift and offer to give “Living Water”?(John 4:10)

Jesus Christ’s encounter with the Samarian woman certainly was never an accident; rather it was planned for well ahead of the journey (Jn.4:4). Motivated by His love for human lives, values of the Kingdom of God, and His passion for souls, He begins the process of fulfilling His mission to Samaria. Thus avoiding all distractions and vain arguments, He directly gets to the point in talking to the woman about the “gift of God” and how if desired she could benefit in receiving “Living Water” for herself.

The Greek word for “gift” dorea (do-reh-ah) denotes “a free gift” stressing its gratuitous character; it is always used in the NT of a spiritual or supernatural gift (VineNT). Thus while it means salvation to the human race, in this instance it certainly concerned the Samaritans, however it could have also meant that this discarded woman was afforded the opportunity to meet with the messiah in person, for He was certainly the promise of God that was to come into the world. Secondly perceiving her ignorance He draws her attention to the reality of her encounter with Himself, wanting to bless her, He exposes Himself as the one who is the fountain of “Living Water” hinting that her blessing was just at her door step and that it was time for a dynamic and powerful opening to a new beginning in her life.

What is “Living Water” and how important is it to our spiritual lives? (John 4:13-14)

Water naturally is the most important source of all types of animal and plantlife so much that about seventy five percent of the makeup of our body constitutes water. Therefore it would be appropriate to state that water is the sustainer plus the source of all natural life. Similarly“Living Water” is the source of spiritual existence; fertility; blessing; refreshing; and is also the sustainer and energizer of spiritual life. Centuries had gone by and the entire nation of Israel including Samaria was spiritually parched and famished, it was a period of great yearning and longing for the Jews as well as the Samaritans who day in day out were looking forward to receive God’s promise of the redeemer. Even though they yearned and longed so much for the promise of God, yet they failed to recognize their promised Messiah on His arrival thus, they deprived themselves of being the first to benefit of that wonderful vital spiritual awakening and revival that God so earnestly desired them to have, for in their great folly and blindness they simply forsook the “Living Water” that was so richly and lavishly poured upon them (Is.44:3).

How does “Living Water” quench spiritual thirst? (John 4:13-14)

“Living Water” as mentioned elsewhere in scripture clearly refers to the source of spiritual satisfaction that the human spirit constantly longs for, and it is a free gift that God offers people through Jesus Christ to anyone who desires to have. At the same time the recipient is fully able to avail himself of all of its benefits endlessly because, Christ Himself comes to reside in us, to give us spiritual strength and power to live an overcoming life through humility; obedience, established upon a personal relationship with the spirit of the Living God (Rev.3:19-20; Jer.2:13; 17:13; Zec.14:8). Therefore it should be seen that the meeting at the well in sychar was a divine encounter, the fulfillment of God’s promise to His people and was divinely ordained. Thus Jesus Christ was not only the “Living Water” who quenched spiritual thirst, but He was also the life generating word of God that would bring Joy, Peace, life and Hope, into human lives who, ultimately quenches every human quest for spiritual satisfaction. “Living Water” was thus symbolic of the outpouring of God the Holy Spirit, upon those who were destined for salvation through whom the Kingdom of God was to be established on earth. The work of the Son of God was to reach and prepare people for the coming of God the Holy Spirit onto earth and therefore He states “the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (Jn.6:35; 7:37-37).

What an awesome truth and gift of God, was this discarded outcast woman afforded that day. Never quite realizing its purpose and need, yet the mighty grace; and love of Christ eventually made sure that she became the happy recipient of “Living Water” that birthed a well of water in her, springing up into everlasting life. She never was the same ever again; instead was transformed to become a dynamic vessel of influence to be a powerful witness carrying the message of salvation unto a whole village who was in darkness.

You too can receive the gift of God today by simply willing to drink the living water that the Lord Jesus Christ offers that would turn out to become a well of everlasting life.

The Lord richly Bless you . . . . . . . . . . .

To be continued . . . . . . . .


The Samaritan encounter typically portrays the purpose driven spirit filled lifestyle of a true citizens of God’s Kingdom on earth. Jesus Christ sets up the stage for us by demonstrating that spiritual dynamics is made manifest and released in no other way but by humility. The need of the hour today is quite evident. We need to have a resurrection of such spirit filled purpose driven citizens of God’s Kingdom begin involving them selves in active ministry for thus is the mandate given to His people in these last days.

Let us read John 4:4-9

These scriptures reveal how a Samarian woman has an encounter with Jesus Christ

An encounter with Jesus Christ is life changing . . . . . .

. . . According to the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of John 4: 4 – 9


Why did Jesus Christ determine to walk through Samaria? (John 4:4)

The noon time scene at Jacob’s well in Sychar of Samaria was somewhat of a rare occasion never the less Jesus Christ purposed in His heart to travel through Samaria indicating to us that God had not completely left out Samaria all together. The Jews looked down on the Samaritans as a mixed race and therefore they had no dealings with the Samaritans whatsoever. King Solomon's rebellion against the Lord's command caused a great division within the United Kingdom of Israel during the reign of his son King Rehoboam around 930 BC (1Kg.11:11; 12:16-19). On account of the Davidic covenant even though God appeared to King Solomon on several occasions wanting him to fall inline with the divine will for the chosen race, however despite all these powerful visions yet King Solomon failed to heed the voice of God in repenting of his folly (1Kg.11:11-12; 35-36). It was here that the downfall of the United Kingdom of Israel begins that ultimately led them into captivity and the Diaspora of this once great nation.

Jesus Christ had already ventured deep in to His ministry on earth fulfilling His calling in reaching the lost and merging ahead touching people everyday with the message of Love and of God’s Kingdom (Mtt.15:24; Lk.19:10; Jn.17:12; 18:9). Samaria was destined to receive a dynamic spiritual reawakening like never before. As is always Jesus chose the downtrodden simple and the outcast to glorify Himself in Samaria too, thus He decided to reach the humble rather than go to the elite. The Samarian woman was all confused and did not know the right way of life but having met with Jesus Christ she instantly began to focus on what real life was all about. The only way to reach her was to touch the very nerve center of her being and that is exactly what Jesus did in talking to her about her life’s situation and thereby, He drew her attention hitting right on the head by asking her for a drink. The subject was very relevant while it also had deep spiritual meaning that penetrated the woman’s very heart and soul that she could no longer continue to be a spectator instead she becomes a vibrant witness for Jesus Christ. This woman’s lifestyle was dramatically changed that thereafter she began living a purposeful and blessed life. What a remarkable encounter did it turned out to be? Truly an encounter with Jesus Christ is always a life changing experience (Jn.1:12-13; 2Co. 5:17)

Why did Jesus Christ choose to sit at the well? (John 4:6)

The mention of the well in this passage would instantly create in our minds animage of a gushing fresh water spring which could be seen as a symbol of life of the spirit. Jacob’s well though more than 75ft in depth was never a spring well of running fresh water, instead its supply of water depended entirely upon rainfall and percolation. Thus in this case the well should be seen as a symbol of futility and dullness of life, in real life it meant that the residents of Sychar were to be content with rain water instead of fresh water from a wellspring. Jesus Christ the Charismatic and compassionate leader of the day was also the Son of the Living God who came to save the world of its sin and to pave the way of life to the lost. The Samaritans were a part of the lost ten tribes of Israel and His ministry primarily was to the lost sheep of Israel (Mtt.10:6; 15:24; 18:11; Lk.19:10). The well was significant since it was named after in memory of Israel’s patriarch and it was situated in the land gifted by him to his favorite son Joseph and the well stood out as a symbol of the ancestry that depicted the historicity of ancient Israel. As the Son of God Jesus Christ knew the events of the next moment thus He waited for the arrival of the city’s outcast to bring meaning and purpose of life to an entire village and through it to the rest of the lost tribes of Israel.

Secondly His purpose was to demonstrate to His disciples the uniqueness of the message and spiritual dynamics of the Kingdom. He also demonstrated that the message of the Kingdom possessed the power to destroy all opposition and that it has the power to surpass every barrier that stood in its way of hindrance to reconciling the human race and as the chosen race of God it was to begin with Israel (Jn.4:9; 1Pe.4:17 ). Jesus Christ’s speaking to the Samarian woman was significant and Historic, it was also symbolic of unifying the nation of Israel so much so that as we look at this wonderful nation today, we see Israel as one united family with no division’s what so ever amongst these twelve tribes. Amen!

Why did Jesus Christ say to the woman Give Me a drink? (John 4:7)

Again Jesus Christ demonstrated the power of the spirit of wisdom by being very pragmatic in asking the woman for a drink leaving no room for enmity or fear rather in humility opening a door for a fruitful dialogue. Notice that Jesus tactfully responds to the woman’s query by asking her a simple question even though the woman does not grasp the significance of His statement rather finds her self settling into a friendly atmosphere so that she feels comfortable, in curiosity and amusement to dialogue with a young Jew who speaks of strange things. Even though water was the subject matter it had relevance and spiritual significance to the conversation. While the woman only perceived the natural aspect of it to her own advantage and benefit, the Love of Christ was purposeful and penetrating her spirit and soul, touching her with the power of the spirit of life with the potential of not only reaching this outcast woman but through her also to reach the entire village and the rest of the lost tribes of Israel as well. A drink of cold water is certainly the most refreshing and perfect drink that anyone would like to have to quench one’s thirst, but here was the giver of the water of life sitting right beside her offering to refresh and quench her spiritual thirst and quest for eternity sustaining her entire being (body soul and spirit). Oh! what an awesome and glorious opportunity did this discarded outcast have that day? She was so blessed that she was never the same ever again. Wow what a blessed hope do you and I have in the Lord Jesus Christ? Praise God for giving us His only begotten Son so that now you and I can hope in Him for our redemption and eternal life. Amen!

Even today Jesus Christ is watching waiting for you to come to Him that you too can have an encounter with Him that would change your life for ever giving you new hope and power to live for His glory doing extra ordinary things to reach out and touch people to save them from eternal damnation. Would you like to be a vessel for Him? Or receive a touch from Him?

If that is your desire, then just say Lord Jesus please touch me and make me whole come into my heart and let your life shine in me for your glory Amen!

The Lord Bless you richly . . . . . . .

To Be Continued . . . . . . . .


In conclusion I must admit that I was blessed very much in the process of preparing this message ‘Be Triumphant over Temptation,’ reflecting on the word I gained new spiritual insights. As I look back I have begun to appreciate God’s great love and His rich grace toward His people and all His servants. After several years I can truthfully say that His faithfulness truly endures forever and that He never fails and He never forgets His people for He is right beside you when you need Him most to deliver you from all your tribulations. Isn’t that awesome? Amen!

Reading from the gospel of Luke 4:1-13

These scriptures reveal that temptation is a subtle ploy of the devil to entice people into sin

We can be triumphant over temptation . . . . .

. . . . . Because of the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of Luke 4:1-13


What needs to be done to effectively triumph over temptation?

We already know that ‘temptation’ is a subtle ploy used by the enemy with evil intent to harm the entire human race, if possible destroy it completely. What is so dangerous about temptation is that its perpetrator the devil is not a myth as some people take him to be. Rather invisible as he is yet he exists as a real spirit being who at the same time can stand right next to you to cause grievous harm by tempting and luring you into all manner of evil even without your knowledge.

In my ministry at the Assembly of God Church Navinna, I once had the privilege of counseling a certain young woman who had a traumatic encounter with a demon who literally attempted to victimize her, by following her right into bed. It was purely the grace of God that prevented the demon from having any physical contact with her and in the nick of time she contacted me for assistance. Relating her experience further she said how he would come to sleep next to her and how she sensed the literal presence of this spirit being even feeling his warm breath upon her neck. I was able to educate her in the Lord that set her free completely from this terrible snare and would be tragedy that to the glory of the God today she and her husband are in fulltime ministry.

My intention in sharing this story with you is, to enlighten you of the naked truth of spiritual realities that exist and not be ignorant of the adverse consequences that you would face resulting temptation. The Bible tells us that to be ignorant in a sense is sin (Jm. 4:17). Hence the first thing to be done in triumphing over temptation is to acknowledge the fact that there is a host of evil spirit beings out there with only one intention and that is to use every means to destroy the human race. Secondly just as much as you need to feed and nourish the natural person with healthy food, so remember that you need to feed and nourish the spirit person with healthy spiritual food regularly. Jesus Christ was well nourished in the word and the devil was absolutely powerless in all his fruitless vain attempts to trap Jesus with his temptations. In this Jesus Christ sets us a tremendous example by using God’s word as the sword of the spirit to demonstrate the power and the effectiveness of applying the word, revealing to us how we can triumph over temptation (Mat. 4:4, 7, 10; Luke. 4”4, 8, 12).

Why was the devil powerless and how did Jesus Christ triumph over temptation?

As we go deeper into scripture there are two key principles that could be cited in Jesus Christ’s triumph over temptation. The first can be observed in Christ’s implicit obedience to God’s word. He never once disobeyed or disregarded God’s will (Mat.3:15; Phi.2:8). Immersed in the word He let the word saturate His entire life thus He experienced the leading of the Holy Spirit of God.

The second is in humility He used the authority of the word of God tosafeguard Himself. He never attempted to fight the devil or those who opposed Him by human logic or wisdom, instead He always resorted to take refuge in God’s word (Mat.4:4; Mk.7:6; 9:13; Lk.20:17). These are the two key truths that the devil is ever defenseless and powerless that he can never overcome. When he knows that you obey God’s word appropriating it and that you are a professing spirit filled Christian it makes him think more than a hundred times before he attempts to draw close to you. The devil will not leave you alone but he will keep looking for an opportunity to try to trip you in some way or another at the most vulnerable point. However if you are wise attentive and keen to study God’s word retaining it and make it the foundation of your life, then there is hardly anything that the devil is able to do to harm you (Lk.4:13; Eph.4:27; Jm.4:7; 1Pe.5:9). This is how the Lord Jesus Christ triumphed over the devil’s temptations and you will do well to follow suit walking as Jesus Christ did.

How does God’s word become effective and powerful in our lives?

Understanding what God’s word is and what it means to us is crucial to our effectiveness in triumphing over temptation. We need to also remember that temptation is basically demonic spiritual attacks that we encounter daily in life which is an aspect of spiritual warfare. Thus we need to adequately equip ourselves with spiritual knowledge by feeding upon the word of God regularly. Study of the word enriched with prayer is the only means that prepares us spiritually to effectively defeat and overcome every evil spiritual attack leveled at us. I have discussed this truth in another series on “winning spiritual warfare.” Remember that the word of God is basically the manuscript of spiritual law that governs life and its existence of both the spirit and the natural realm, and that it cannot be broken or violated without affecting a penalty to it. Thus the word of God was given to us that we reverently receive it regularly to nourish our sprits, so that we will not perish by violating it rather, have life by keeping it and upholding it all our lives (Ro.8:1-8).

Secondly the word of God is spirit (Jn.6:63; 2Co.3:6) thus the Word generates life, meaning that as you receive the Word into your heart it awakens your spirit to God’s spiritual truth motivating you in humility to submit to the spirit’s beckoning that in the process it generates vital spiritual energy that enables you to commit yourself to His will for your life. The word of God is also known as the sword of the spirit that separates soul from spirit joints from marrow and even judges the very attitude of the heart (Eccl.12:11; Is.49:2; Eph.6:17; He.4:12) What does this mean? It means that the word of God is a Spirit active and powerful to accomplish His will at all times in you. He also tells us that His word will never return to Him void (Is.45:23) thus His spirit mingling with your spirit forms His character in you that makes you triumphant over temptation all the times. Amen!

Now if you are a born again spirit filled Christian remember that you are a unique and a dynamic creature filled with the wisdom of God for His glory and purpose on earth and you can accomplish great and awesome things for His glory by simply living in Jesus and living for Jesus obeying His word and taking refuge in His word every day.

But if you have still not had the born again experience I think it is about time that you did and if you so desire then just mean what you say and speak these words. Just speak out the following

Dear Jesus I have sinned against you in my ignorance and I am sorry for all my sins, forgive me and wash my heart with your precious blood and purify me. Jesus Please come into my heart and be the Lord of my life, thank you Jesus for loving me and becoming the Lord of my life. Amen!

Now if you did speak to Jesus sincerely in this fashion you will never be the same ever again. Feel free to write to me.

The Lord Bless you abundantly . . . . . .


‘Temptation’ is the topic we are discussing about and today we want to look at how Jesus Christ overcame it when He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. As human as He was He faced the devil head on and yet was blameless and continued to live a sinless life thereafter until the time of His Crucifixion. Paying close attention and examining truths about the temptation of Jesus Christ not only illumines our understanding but also He becomes our sustainer and strength for overcoming temptation the devil and all his demonic forces. Today we want to identify the tempter.

Reading from the gospel of Luke 4:1-13

These scriptures reveal to us the presence of a real tempter

The tempter must be identifies . . . . .

. . . . . Because of the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of Luke 4:1-13


Why is it necessary to know about the tempter?

As true as it is that there is a beginning to every atom in existence so there is the beginning to every individual spirit, its existence and philosophy. Knowledge of the tempter is important for two reasons, first the Bible tells us that ignorance is sin that would lead us into eternal death (Lk.12:47; Jam.4:17), second to gain knowledge of our adversary means that he is no longer able to deceive us into believing his lies as he did in the past. So who is this perpetrator who so ably deceives people? He is the devil himself. Dr. Luke tells us that Jesus was led to be tempted by the devil (Lk.4:2). The Greek word for devil is diabolos (dee-ab-ol-os) the noun ‘diabolos’ is a combination of the Pre Position of ‘dia’ (dee-ah) and the verb ‘ballo’(bal'-lo) ‘dia’ denotes the channel of an act and the verb ballo (bal-lo) means to throw or let go of a thing without caring where it falls, to scatter. Hence ‘diabolos’ (dee-ab-ol-os) means a slanderer, a false accuser, a calumniator. This is what the devil is all about “falsely accusing the brethren to the Father” accusing them to their face constantly throwing things at them that are not true of them (Rev.12:9-10) This is what he keeps doing ‘throwing’ false accusations of all sorts of evil thoughts and concepts at us distracting us into believing the falsehood of things of life distorting truth (Jn. 8:44; 10:10).

What we should know about the History and Personality of the devil?

The Bible amply describes the devil as an individual spirit being that he is notan influence or a principle but a real person possessing all the qualities of personality; knowledge feeling and will. The Bible gives us details of his beginning and even what his final doom would be like. He was created in beauty and stature and his name was Lucifer meaning “light-bearer; shining one, morning star.” He was the most powerful cherub the top general of the heavenly hosts wielding great authority, the most privileged most respected leader of the cherubs who enjoyed great intimacy and had a tremendous relationship with God in the beginning (Eze.28:14-15). Tragedy struck when he became obsessed with pride of his own beauty, power and authority thus wild imaginations got the better of him that finally led him in a sinful direction causing him to forget his position and place in creation bringing about his own fall (Isa.14:12-14; Eze.28:15-17; 1Ti.3:6). Ever since he has been involved in tempting man to fight against God wanting man too to inherit his own damnation thus he has pitched his temporary abode in the heavenly sphere until he is finally cast off to earth (Lk.10:18; Eph.6:12; Job 1:6), hence into the lake of fire (Rev.20:10). He is the accuser of the brethren (Rev.12:10; Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6) an usurper (2Th.2:3-4; 2Co.4:4)

His Character, Power, and his Limitations

The gospel of Jesus Christ speaks volumes of encounters He has with Satan and in each of those encounters a true picture of the character and personality of the devil is clearly depicted. Hence first he is identified as a liar and the father of lies (Jn.8:44), he is a thief and murderer (Jh.10:10), the great deceiver (Rev.12:9), the originator of sin (Eze.28:15-16; 18; 1Jn.3:8), the original Antichrist (2Th.2:7) who uses the God given wisdom which is now corrupt to deceive people (Jam.3:15) and who will be finally destroyed by fire (Eze.28:18; Mat.25:41)

In his final thrust the only extra ordinary thing he would attempt to do is to lure people through deception to possibly lead them a stray in the last days. He has great knowledge and vast experience of 6000 years of dealing with human nature the wisest of natural men are no match for him. He blinds people’s eyes binds and enslaves them and deprives them of the wonderful love of God. (2Co.4:4; Lk.13:16; 11:20-22; 2Ti.2:26).

Finally what we need to know and remember is that even though the devil has been able to cause such great havoc in history yet his dominion over the things of the world was substantially hindered by the coming of Jesus Christ (1Jn.3:8). It is said that he is the prince and the god of this world (1Co.2:8; 2Co.4:4) never the less nowhere is it mentioned in the Bible that he is omnipotent or all powerful, omniscient or all knowing, omnipresent or all present, nor immutable nor unchanging. The truth is that all these attributes are of Deity alone and the devil is not deity instead he was simply a creation of the Most High. Jesus Christ came to give us life and it more abundantly and have empowered us to overcome the schemes of the evil one.

Now that you have been illumined of the truth make use of it and be an over comer of temptation and the tempter. The Bible tells us that we should “resist the devil and he will flee away” (James 4:7) you must also remember that the Lord has never left room for excuses. Take authority over every situation in your life and live a strong powerful and a victorious spiritual life to exalt Jesus Christ in your walk with God. Amen!

The Lord bless you richly

To be continued . . . . . . . .


‘Temptation’ is a contemporary subject that needs to be addressed effectively so that people will not be ensnared by it, instead have the confidence to face the challenge and be able to overcome it. Not having a proper understanding of temptation and how it should be dealt with becomes an instrument in the devil’s hands that can be disastrous for temptation is no respecter of persons. We often hear people end up having to lose all they labored for over the many years, their reputation family friends are some of the precious things that can be lost in a fraction of a moment as a victim of temptation. There are some who even resort to end their lives unable to face the consequences of temptation resulting in even a greater tragedy. I want to discuss this all important subject drawing upon spiritual truths from the life of Jesus Christ Himself to show you how He faced temptation and effectively defeated the devil’s evil schemes that if you choose to apply these truths in your life and make them your life’s value system, that the devil will never be able to have a foothold on your life ever again, instead you will have the privilege of living a spirit filled powerful life to glorify God in your walk with Him.

Reading from the gospel of Matthew 4:1 – 11

These scriptures reveal that even Jesus Christ was subjected to temptations

Temptation is a ‘test of Character’ . . . . .

. . . . . Because of the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of Matthew 4:1-11


Temptation its significance and necessity

Temptation should be understood as an instrument that fashions and moulds individual character. The Hebrew word used for ‘Temptation’ is nacah (naw-saw) it means to test, try, prove, put to the proof or test; it also means assay; adventure. This suggests that temptation is the means of proving worthiness of a lift up or approval of personal character. This truth is amply magnified in the account of God testing Abraham (Gen.22:1). In the day of his temptation Abraham proved his worthiness by simply believing God and obeying His command even though he never knew the real purpose for it or the outcome of it at the time. This was the test that gave him credence to his title father of faith and the friend of God (Ro.4:11-16; Jam.2:23).Temptation is also a blessing in disguise that comes to us to strengthen the spirit person that produces vital spiritual fruit (Jam.1:3). Therefore understanding the significance and purpose of temptation gives us perspective for preparation to face every potential challenge that Satan attempts to subtly lure us into with the intent of distracting us from the purpose plan and will of God for us. Jesus Christ sets forth the supreme example in how we are to conduct ourselves and live blameless lives and effectively defeat Satan’s wild schemes. At the same time we need to realize that as silver and gold is refined by fire so does the fire of the Holy Spirit refine us in forming the character of Christ in us as we walk with Him each day.

Was the Holy Spirit involved in the temptation of Jesus Christ?

Imagine the Holy Spirit leading you to be tempted by the devil? That isexactly what the Holy Spirit did to Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that soon after the baptism “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil? How would you know that it was the Holy Spirit who led Jesus into the wilderness? The gospel of Mark tells us that “Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness”(Mk.1:12). Dr. Luke tells us that “Then Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Lk.4:1). There is therefore no question about the Holy Spirit’s involvement in the temptation of Jesus Christ. But in what way was the Holy Spirit involved in Jesus Christ’s life? Paul the Apostle tells us about how Jesus Christ learnt obedience as a Son (Heb.5:8). Hence from the Spirit’s alighting on His shoulder at His baptism Jesus Christ completely depended upon the leading of the Holy Spirit in all He had to say and do on earth even unto death on the cross. Therefore it must be said without any doubt “Yes” the Holy Spirit was directly and completely involved in Jesus Christ’s life and ministry from the very inception beginning from His incarnation unto His resurrection from the dead.

Why did the Holy Spirit involve Himself in the temptation of Jesus Christ?

A comparison of the two greatest ever temptations that man faced on earth would give us some valuable insight for comprehension. The first account of the temptation was Eve’s, as recorded in Genesis (Gen.3:1-5). In this case Satan’s strategy was to choose the weaker human vessel, he was an intruder in the Garden of Eden, he lied to the woman and deceived her to believe that he spoke the truth about God’s command to Adam. In her state of innocence she believed his lie assuming it to be of something worth possessing and finally inherited spiritual death.

The second account of temptation is recorded in the gospels, the tempting of Jesus(Lk.4:3). In this case we see that the Holy Spirit deliberately leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. This time Satan changes his tactics he is nowhere in the vicinity waits for an opportune time. Forty days passes by then he chooses to tempt Jesus in His physically weakest moment (Mtt.4:2). In this case he asserts truth about Christ’s divinity challenging Him to exert His authority over the physical need above the spirit (Lk.4:3). In human terms this situation should be viewed as a wishes attack on Jesus Christ’s ego. Never the less in humility Jesus Christ subjects Himself to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and takes refuge in the authority of the word of God, using it as His shield to destroy Satan’s attempts to distract Jesus from fulfilling the purpose will and plan of God for His ministry on earth.

Why did the Holy Spirit want Jesus Christ to face Satan’s temptations?

That was necessary because God was preparing man to face His ultimate goal in manifesting His manifold wisdom to the powers of darkness emphasizing that its complete doom had now finally arrived (Eph.3:9-10).Secondly God would never let another take His glory(Is.42:8), thus it became a priority in God’s view to defeat Satan and redeem the human race, plus reorder the course of the universe by redeeming earth and nature from its curse (Gen.3:17; 5:29). He had already determined to bring in a new heavens and new earth into existence (2Cor. 5:17; 2Pe. 3:13). Finally God wanted to demonstrate that He held all authority and power over all His creation and that He will always have the last word. Thirdly it was the only way that God was able to destroy spiritual darkness that kept man in bondage, in slavery to sin and death, and it was the only way He was able to open our spiritual eyes that we should know and understand the truth about the purpose of His creation the beauty and glory and man being the crown of His creation (Eph.5:8; Col.1:13; 1Pe.2:9; 1Jn.2:8).

This study on temptation gives us great insight on how we are to face trials and temptations and be victorious in every day of our lives. Begin to apply these principles in your personal live today as did Jesus Christ who gave us this tremendous example to follow to prove that we are sons and daughters of the Most High worthy of eternal life.

The Lord bless you richly

To be continued . . . . . . .