Friday, November 26, 2010


Sermon on John 4:10 - 26

In conclusion of the message of the “Samaritan Encounter” I wish to mention that I was immensely blessed spending time in the study of the life and the love of Christ Jesus for man. Observing the ministry of Jesus and His passion for souls, it spoke to me volumes of God’s wonderful goodness and mercy toward man and how highly He values human lives. It was a tremendous revelation of His desperation to establish a relationship with man to ensure that man does not end up going into a lost eternity, rather be saved and spend eternity with God and in His awesome presence.

Reading from the Gospel of John 4:10 – 26

These scriptures reveal that spiritual contentment is found in worship

Spiritual Pursuit ends with Worship . . . . . .

. . . According to the Criteria mentioned in the gospel of John 4: 17 – 26


Why would the Lord Jesus want to meet this woman with her husband?

We need to understand that the Lord Jesus Christ was on divine assignment firstly, to establish the Kingdom of God on earth and secondly, to reach the lost tribes of Israel, thus it necessitated Him on this occasion to journey through Samaria. His first ever encounter in Samaria, was this hopelessly broken, desperate, and confused woman. Ever so overwhelmed with a passion for human souls, He was moved to reach her and win her over to the Kingdom of God. Thus He welcomed Him self to an unusual conversation wanting to draw her attention to the truth and reality of life. Divine insight and wisdom led Him to penetrate through to her by touching a crucial and emotional need, which really loosed her from an inferiority complex that gave her an impetus of boldness, finally setting her free from a spirit of oppression and bondage of spiritual darkness (2Co.4:4). Instantly her eyes of understanding were opened, that she responded positively to the purpose of life.

When and where did man begin to experience an endless spiritual pursuit?

Responding to the woman’s question concerning the place of worship, the Lord Jesus continues to reveal that the need and the hour had finally come for a dynamic change to occur in man’s life and his relationship with the Most High, thus “Worship” immerges as the subject matter for discussion.

Research on the subject will enable us to establish facts of its routs, which give us great insight of what man’s relationship with God ought to be. Therefore the best source for reliable information is found no where else other that in scripture. A look at the book of Genesis gives us the chronology of events of the beginning of time, and its subsequent consequences. Notice that as we go through in Genesis, it says “For in the day thou eatest, thereof thou shalt surely die” (Ge.2:17) further on in scripture, clear we see, how Adam and Eve instantly inherited spiritual death, followed with the pronouncement of physical death and judgment. This tells us two things, first by disobeying God’s commands, we loose spiritual protection, it paves the way for confusion to take rout in our hearts, and finally it brings us into a state of emotional depression, while at the same time we expose our selves to every spiritual adversary.

Secondly we experience guilt and fear which becomes a pedestal for spiritual set backs, personal condemnation, that eventually leads us into fathomless depths of destructive spiritual bondage. Reading further on in chapter three, it tells us about the horrific consequences Adam and Eve faced, and the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were both naked(Ge.3:7). Thus their spiritual eyes were opened to face sin’s consequences, and it meant that from that point on they were independent of divine guidance and separate from the presence of God, and were exposed to every evil onslaught of the devil and his demons. This explains the beginning of spiritual barrenness, cause of spiritual quest. Ever since then man began to grope in spiritual darkness and were never quite able to see the living light of God. Thus the quest continues even to this day, and man continues to wonder around, trying various methods, and tries experimenting on his own to find a suitable solution to end his quest. Thus the Lord Jesus Christ spoke concerning the need for true spiritual worship for it is the only means available to man, to awaken him from his slumber, to restore him back to God attract the attention of the Creator, toward him.

At the same time we see how Jesus Christ used the opportunity to bring agreat spiritual revival to sweep over Samaria, which was symbolic of a reunification of the twelve tribes of Israel. Until up to that point of time the twelve tribes of Israel were a divided nation living in hate, despising each other. The timing in that direction was appropriate, thus the Lord Jesus Christ in fulfilling His divine mission emphasized upon the spirit of worship, which finally transformed the woman’s entire world of thinking and lifestyle completely. Further expounding the truth about worship He said that worship was, hence never going to be according to the traditional Jewish system, rather it was the time that the Father had predestined to establish a true spirit of worship among His people, writing the Law of it in their hearts (Jer.24;7; 30:22; 31:1; 33;), who would render worship in spirit and in truth. Thus provision was made for worship in the spirit through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ the only begotten, the Son of the Living God.

Why did Jesus say “ye worship ye know not what?

It is important that we have a good understanding of why the woman questioned Jesus about the place of worship, and why Jesus Christ said to thewoman “ye worship ye know not what.” In the Old Testament Law or the “Torah” the book of “Leviticus” is the book that gives us a clear description of Israel’s covenant relationship with God and it describes every detail of the Hebrew worship System. It was compulsory that everyone was educated concerning the sanctity of God and the responsibility of each individual to live a holy life (Lev.19:2) and the many sacrifices were symbolic of a true spirit of worship. When Israel went into captivity in 725 B.C. the Assyrian king, brought people from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and form Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel (2Kg.17:24) and with that the ten tribes of Israel completely succumbed to pagan worship, thus they even lost their Jewish identity. Never the less when Judah went into captivity of the Babylonians, in 586 B.C. (2Kg.25:5-7; 2Ch.36:5-7), they understood that they were punished by God for their unfaithfulness. Whilst in the Babylonian captivity there were devout Jews who preserved their Jewish identity continuing to be faithful to Jehovah God. A remnant of Jews left behind refrained from mingling themselves with other nations by remaining faithful they were able to preserve their Jewish identity event to this date.

Secondly we need to know that true worship is spontaneous that springs out of a heart of affection and gratitude. Worship is also the spiritual act that reflects the attitude and the emotions of man’s inner spirit (Ro.12:1-2). This means that the inner spirit person cannot involve himself in effectual, true worship without first having his spirit awakened to the reality of the existence of the Living God, and the prospect of having a dynamic spiritual relationship with this living God. It just cannot happen without first the individual acknowledging Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, to whom all adoration, praise and thanks giving is due.

Why do we need to gain a clear understanding of worship?

The above section explains the need for a spiritual reconciliation with Godand “worship” is our topic for discussion. Thus we endeavor to understand what “Worship” is all about. For fruitful and meaningful worship to take effect we need to have a clear perception of the Creator and what “Worship” means to Him. The Old Testament gives us comprehensive details of worship, thus we shall focus the book of Leviticus for our study of worship. The word “Worship” is mentioned 115 times in the Old Testament while the New Testament mentions it 73 times, the reason that “Worship” is mentioned innumerous times in the bible makes it clear of two things.

First, according to Genesis (Ge.2:7) the imputation of the Creator’s breath of lifegives man his existence. Thus the creation story tells us that there was a very vital spiritual link established at the beginning between God and man which was never to be broken. Man’s disobedience to God’s command brought about its complete destruction and its detrimental repercussions so that he began to experience a fathomless spiritual vacuum in life, that spiritual reconciliation with God is an extreme necessity.

Secondly we need to also know that even though man chose to live independently of the Creator, he still owes his existence to the Living God, and he is also held accountable for his life, in every realm, sphere and to every degree. Man however is, incapable of bridging this spiritual gap by him self. Nevertheless he tirelessly endeavors seeking an end to an endless quest that only Jesus Christ is able to satisfy (Jn.1:12-13; 3:3-6). Thus “Worship” is of utmost importance, for it becomes the means that draws man toward God, restoring back the lost vital link with his Creator.

A Look through to understand what is meant by worship

The Hebrew word shachah (shaw-khaw')means to depress, i.e. prostrate (especially reflexive, in homage to royalty or God)(Ge.22:5; 24:26; Ex.4:31; 24:1) and the word cagad (saw-gad') means to prostrate oneself (in homage)

In Greek proskuneo (pros-koo-neh'-o)means to fawn or crouch to; to fall face down (prostrate) in adoration; a physical act of lowering oneself in humble submission with an attitude of utmost adoration or respect; and the Greek word latreuo (lat-ryoo'-o) to minister (to God), i.e. render religious homage; “Worship” thus means that human’s recognize the Creator and His worthiness, His awesome grace, mercy and goodness and His benevolence toward him, and in return, he passionately acknowledge, ascribing all the glory due to His God. Thus “Worship” means the creature doing to the Creator what the Creator cannot do for Himself (Ps.29:2; 86:9; 95:6; 138:2; Is.27:13)

In conclusion worship should be seen as “personal affection expressed to the Creator of a heart of purity and innocence.” Be blessed and experience unlimited favor and grace of the Almighty through the spirit of worship. Amen!

Dear reader, I wish to tell you that since I began to worship God my life changed dramatically that I was just absorbed into ministry to serve Him. I have continued to serve God for over twenty five years now and I have never been put to shame or never been let down by God even though I have been through some though times in life. Today even as I draw to a close on this message, I want to thank God for all His rich mercies poured upon me all through my life serving Him. You can experience too His awesome love and goodness just by beginning to worship Him, and He will take you to great height you have never imagined you would get to. God is good and He loves you and cares for you. Be Blessed

All you need is just call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and He will certainly hear you and answer at your point of need.

The Lord Bless you richly